Happy people, that’s who we do it for

At Integron, we work every day to make people happy; that’s what drives us. Because happy people, are happy employees, are happy customers. And that we know for sure. From thirty years of experience, data and comparative data.

Impact through insight

This all starts with insight, but insight alone is not enough. While the saying goes that measuring leads to knowing, it does not lead to change. We believe that organizations can truly impact their employees and customers when the following are in place:


There is a clear goal. Because “without a goal you can’t score,” as Johan Cruijff once said.


The employee and customer experience are a clear part of the strategy. Of course, it all has to add up to something.


The results of our surveys do not end up in the drawer, but are followed up with actions. At Integron, we call this the follow-up loop.


There are interim moments where we look together at how the follow-up is going. In other words, we are a stick behind the door for organizations!

In for the long run

Generating insight once and executing the above items will certainly make an initial contribution to happier customers and employees. But are you all the way there? No, to really make an impact, a long-term approach is needed. That’s why we at Integron are in for the long run. Using an EX (employee experience) or CX (customer experience) program.

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Find out what we can do for you

30 years of experience

With 30 years of experience and a huge amount of historical data and benchmark data, we help you by really knowing where you stand. We like to share our knowledge, not only with our customers, but also with the community. We want to be an inspiration and knowledge partner for managers, CX/EX experts, HR & Marketing so that more and more organizations start working on happy employees and enthusiastic customers. Happy people so!

Our people make the difference

Together we go for results. We do this with great enthusiasm and passion. Of course, fun is paramount at all times. The karaoke set is ready and the limoncello is always cold.

Sucesses should be celebrated

Which organizations are best in class in terms of customer and employee experience ? Keeping customers committed to your business and your employees happy is not that simple. That’s why we annually present the Experience Awards to the customers who perform best in terms of customer and employee experience.

Quality and privacy guaranteed

Integron is ISO/IEC 20252 certified. In addition, Integron is a member of the MOA and Esomar.

Find out what we can do for you
Find out what we can do for you
Find out what we can do for you